Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • E-G. Talbi (steering committee): PDCO'2017 7th IEEE Workshop Parallel Distributed Computing and Optimization, Orlando, USA, May 2017

  • N. Melab: Chair of 5 simulation and HPC-related seminars at Lille 1 oct-dec. 2017 (CENAERO, Intel, e-xtream, CRIStAL, Labs of mechanics at Lille)

  • L. Jourdan et al.: Summer school ATOM 2017, June 2017, Lille, France

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • E-G. Talbi: Track chair “Metaheuristics and machine learning”, MIC’2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2017

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), San Sebastián, Spain, June 5-8, 2017

  • The ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Berlin, Germany, July 15-19, 2017

  • 12th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC), Barcelona, Spain, July 4-7, 2017

  • The 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Genoa, Italy, July 17–21, 2017

  • IEEE Intl. Workshop on Parallel/Distributed Computing and Optimization (IPDPS/PDCO), Orlando, Florida, USA, May 23-27, 2017

  • 9th Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS), Track: Nature-inspired parallel collaborative systems, Ryerson University, Canada, August 24-26, 2017

  • Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'information (COSI), Bouira, Algérie, May 14-16, 2017

  • The 3rd Intl. Conf. on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (CloudTech), Rabah, Morocco, Oct 24-26, 2017

  • 6th Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing Communication and Informatics ICACCI’17, Manipal, India, Sept 2017

  • ROADEF’2017 18ème Conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision, Metz, France, Fev 2017

  • EvoCOP’2017, European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Apr 2017

  • ACM GECCO’2017 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference), Berlin, Germany, July 2017

  • IEEE PDCO Parallel and Distributed Computing and Optimization in IPDPS’2017, Orlando, USA, May 2017

  • MIC’2017, Metaheuristics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2017

  • IJCCI’2017 8th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Madeira, Portugal, Nov 2017

  • EvoCOP’2017, European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Apr 2017

  • ACM Student Workshop in GECCO’2017 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference), Berlin, Germany, July 2017

  • IESM’2017 Int. Conf. on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Saarbrucken, Germany, Sept 2017

  • EA’2017 Int. Conference on Artificial Evolution, Paris, France, Nov 2017

  • MOPGP’2017 Int. Conference on Multiple objective Programming and Goal Programming, Metz, France, 2017

  • IEEE CEC 2017


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • E-G. Talbi : Editor of the Journal « Computers and Industrial Engineering (CAIE, Elsevier)» Area «Computational Intelligence»

  • N. Melab: Guest and Managing Editor (in collaboration with A. Zomaya and I. Chakroun) of a special on Parallel Optimization using/for Multi and Many-core High Performance Computing in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 2016-2017

  • L. Jourdan: Review Editor Frontiers in Big Data

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Evolutionary Computation, Journal of Heuristics, Artificial Intelligence Journal

  • Applied Soft Computing

  • Computers in Biology and Medecine

  • Computers & Industrial Engineering

  • Computers & Operations Research

  • EJOR European Journal of Operational Research

  • IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation

  • International Journal of Metaheuristics

  • International Journal of Molecular Sciences

  • International Journal of Production research

  • International Transactions in Operational

  • JOH Journal of Heuristics

  • JOCO Journal of Combinatorial Optimization

  • JPDC Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

  • Nature Scientific Report

  • Soft Computing (SOCO)

  • Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

  • ACM Computing Surveys

  • Computation and Concurrency: Practice and Experience (CCPE)

  • Parallel Processing Letters

  • Parallel Computing

  • Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)

  • 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research (Springer)

  • ASOC: Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier)

  • CAIE: Computers & Industrial Engineering (Elsevier)

  • ITOR: International Transactions in Operational Research (Wiley)

  • NEUCOM: Neurocomputing (Elsevier)

  • Discrete Optimization

  • Annals of Operations Research

  • RAIRO - Operations Research

Invited Talks

  • E-G. Talbi: Multi-objective optimization under uncertainty, Keynote presentation, Business Clouds’2017, Luxembourg, Jan 2017.

  • E-G. Talbi: Matheuristics, Invited presentation, Universidad Elche, Spain, April 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Multi-objective metaheuristics, Invited presentation, University of Catania, Catania, Italy, April 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Optimization of smart grids: opportunities and directions, Keynote speaker ICOA’2017, International Workshop on Optimization and Applications, Kenitra, Morocco, April 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Parallel and distributed metaheuristics, Invited tutorial, IEEE CEC Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San Sebastien, Spain, June 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Evolutionary multi-objective algorithms under uncertainty, Invited seminar, Jozef Stefan Institute , Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oct 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Smart grids: challenges and opportunities, Invited seminar, Ecole Centrale de Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco, Nov 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Complex optimization problems in smart grids, Keynote speaker, Workshop MOSSYS’2017 Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation des Systèmes, Rabat, Morocco, Oct 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Optimization of smart grids, Invited seminar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Nov 2017

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • L. Jourdan : Co-president of the working group “ATOM: Multi-objective optimization”, GDR RO

  • L. Jourdan, A. Liefooghe : Secretary of the association “Artificial Evolution” (EA)

  • L. Jourdan: nominated member of CNU 27

  • C. Dhaenens: member of the scientific council of GDR RO (Operations research)

  • C. Dhaenens: nominated member at Co-NRS, section 6 (National committee of CNRS)

  • N. Melab: scientific leader of Grid'5000 (https://www.grid5000.fr) at Lille, since 2004

  • N. Melab: Chargé de Mission of High Performance Computing and Simulation at Université Lille 1, since 2010

  • E-G. Talbi : Co-president of the working group “META: Metaheuristics - Theory and applications”, GDR RO and GDR MACS

  • E-G. Talbi : Co-Chair of the IEEE Task force on Cloud Computing within the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society

Scientific Expertise

  • E-G. Talbi: QS respondents (Novosibirsk State University, Russia, 2014-2017)

  • E-G. Talbi: Reviewer de projets de recherche, National Science Center, Pologne (2017)

  • E-G. Talbi: Dutch NOW council (Innovative Research Incentive Scheme) project, Netherlands, 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Reviewer de dossiers de qualification de Professeurs, University of Portsmouth, UK, 2017

  • E-G. Talbi: Expertise projets ERC Consolidator Grant (2017)

  • E-G. Talbi: Expertise projets STIC/Math Amérique du Sud – Chili et Argentine (2017)

  • E-G. Talbi: Expertise projets COFECUB - Brésil (2017)

  • N. Melab: Member of the advisory committee for the IT and maganement engineer training at Faculté Polytechnique de Mons

  • N. Melab: Reviewer for the COFECUB scientific evaluation committee (Comité Français d'Evaluation de la Coopération Universitaire et scientifique avec le Brésil), 2017

  • N. Melab: Expert for two government research agencies: CONICYT (Chile) and NCN (Poland), 2017

Research Administration

  • C. Dhaenens: Vice-head of CRIStAL laboratory (Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille), common to CNRS, University of Lille and Ecole Centrale de Lille, 430 people

  • L. Jourdan: member of the Bureau du Département de domaine Informatique pour l’école doctorale SPI, University of Lille

  • N. Melab: Member of the steering committee of “Maison de la Simulation” at Université Lille 1

  • E-G. Talbi, Coordinator of the International Relationships of Inria Lille Nord Europe